Spencer Public Library and the Spencer Reads committee are excited to present the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten initiative to get parents/caregivers and their young children reading! Did you know that reading to your child is one of the most powerful ways to boost his or her brain power? The simple and enjoyable act of sharing books helps your child learn pre-reading skills such as understanding the sounds letters make, developing a bigger vocabulary, and building background knowledge—all important skills that help prepare your child for learning to read and entering kindergarten. Spencer’s 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten program is a fun, exciting, and free way to start your child on the path to success! Any child in Spencer preschools can participate. Just follow these steps: Get your packet: Reading log packets are being sent home with every preschool student in Spencer, or download one here. You also have the option to sign-up and track reading through the library’s Beanstack platform. Download the app or visit spencerlibrary.beanstack.com. Have you participated in the Summer Reading Program? You may already have a Beanstack account! Track Your Reading: Fill in or mark a circle for each book you read with your child on your reading record or record books through the online Beanstack system. Every Book Counts: Even if your child wants to hear the same book again and again, you can count it each time. You can also count the books your child hears in story time, daycare, or preschool; with a friend or family member; and even ebooks and audiobooks count as long as your child listens to the entire book. 250-Book Milestones: Each time you read 250 books, you can receive a small prize by bringing your reading log to Spencer Public Library 21 E 3rd St Spencer, IA 51301 1,000 Books: You did it! Come celebrate at the library and receive a free book bundle. Keep on Reading Don’t stop at 1,000! Keep on reading together; there’s more learning ahead! Singing songs, saying rhymes, telling stories, and playing with your child are all great ways to build their literacy skills. Visit Spencer Public Library often for free programs that are fun and educational for your little one and to find great books to share with your child. Stay informed about Spencer Reads events by following Spencer Community Schools on Facebook. How can I read 1,000 books? 3 books a day for 1 year = 1,095 books 1 book a day for 3 years = 1,095 books Studies have shown that families who start reading aloud to their children at birth help to strengthen their language skills and build their vocabulary – two important tools for beginning to learn to read when they enter kindergarten |